Angel of Light

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Here is where you donate.

Then email or text me and let me know what your choice is. 


 I offer: 


Spiritual Counseling / Pastoral Counseling By phone 1/2 hour $35.00 Donation

Tarot Card Readings $25.00 Donation

Playing Card Reading $25.00 Donation

Pyromancy $25.00 Donation

Mediumship (working with spirits) depending on travel $75.00 -$250.00 Donation

•Understand why it is that the Spirit loved-ones wish to communicate through a medium. Is it to tell us about career, romance, and finances? No That is not their job. Spirit comes, first, to let us know that they are OK and that there is life after death; then, to guide and inspire us. Spirit does not come to live our lives or to make decisions which we should be making.

•I can not promise communication from particular spirit loved ones. No one can make that guarantee. If conditions are right, and if that I am suitable for your loved-ones to link with, then, very likely, you will get what you hope to receive. This is determined at the time of the sitting, not prior

What does it mean to be controlled by spirit? First of all, it does NOT mean that the medium is, in any way, possessed by a spirit personality.  Nor does it mean that the medium leaves his or her body and the spirit enters therein.

Mediumistic control means a sharing of mental and physical energies between the medium and spirit communicator or operator. Control signifies a telepathic rapport between the two. How strongly en rapport they are determines the degree of control. Control can range from inspired thought, to conscious control, to light trance, to deep trance, to very deep trance. It all depends upon the work at hand and the mental and physical energies available to the spirit communicator or operator.

Scrying $25.00 Donation

Interpretation of Dreams $25.00 Donation

•Spell Casting $55 and up  Donation

•Altar Work and Prayers $35 and up Donation

•Prescribing Spiritual Supplies and Herbal Teas  Donation

•Spiritual Cleansing $65 Donation

•Working with Ancestors in the Spiritualist Tradition $75 Donation

•Magical Talismans, Amulets, Charms, and Enchanted Jewelry $35 and up Donation

•Love Drawing, Romance, Marriage, Fidelity, and Reconciliation    

$55 and up Donation

•Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business   $55 and up Donation

•Blessing, Cleansing, Healing, and Tranquility $55 and up  Donation

•Career Success, Personal Power  $55 and up Donation

•Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel   $55 and up  Donation

Reversing, and Road Opening $75 and up Donation

•Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence $55 and up  Donation

most services without having to go anywhere.

From your cell phone or computer. From the privacy of your own home or work , from anywhere. Text or Email

The Cards are one of the most insightful ways to look into the future. Text or Email me your questions and let the cards be your guide through life's uncertainties. 

Many of my cherished and long time clients use the words: Oh my God!

Mind Blowing!

 and Unbelievably Accurate!

 to describe my readings.

Take an extraordinarily wonderful and heart healing journey, and experience for yourself the sheer accuracy, compassion and wisdom of the truly amazing Psychic Reading that awaits you.

I offer many  reading techniques

* Pendulum Readings  $10.00 for 3 questions

* Aura Picture Reading $35.00 Donation

* Tarot Card Readings $25.00 Donation

* and much more!

I except Credit / Debt Cards and Paypal

Text or Email for your reading


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